DOS is an old operating system
Here are some helpful hints in using DOS:
1) There is no difference between upper- and lower-case in DOS.
2) The "¿" symbol is shorthand, meaning to press the Enter key (also known as the "Return" key).
File Names
The filename
Other Examples
a. .DOC - Word Document
b. .XLS - Excel
c. .WAV - Wave sound file
d. .JPG, .BMP, .
The 'C:\>' Prompt
To change drives simply type the letter of the drive you want to change to, add a
Common DOS Commands
CD- change directory
CD \¿- change to the main directory.
CD \
MD- make directory.
MD \LETTERS¿- make a directory named 'letters' at the root directory.
RD- remove directory.
RD \LETTERS¿- remove the 'letters' directory.
CLS- clear screen.
COPY- copy a file
Note: The first
The second
If you do not wish to change the filename, then simply type the second
MOVE- move a file from one directory to another.
DELETE- deletes a specific file.
DIR- gives you a list of files and directories contained in the directory that you are in.
DIR /W'- gives you a wide, more condensed directory list.
DOS Symbols
*- wild card symbol
Example: "COPY *.* A:\¿" This will copy all files in the current directory to the 'A' drive.
USAGE- "DELETE LETTER.*¿' This will delete all files with the prefix name 'letter' and any suffix.
?-wildcard character symbol
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