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learning DOS

DOS is an old operating system that is rarely used anymore.

Here are some helpful hints in using DOS:


1) There is no difference between upper- and lower-case in DOS.

2) The "¿" symbol is shorthand, meaning to press the Enter key (also known as the "Return" key).

File Names

The filename is made up of two parts, a prefix and a suffix. For some versions of DOS (6.22 and older) each file is allowed up to 11 characters in its filename. The prefix uses eight characters and the suffix uses 3. The suffix usually tells you what kind of file it is. For example if the suffix is .TXT then you would know that it is a text file.

Other Examples

a. .DOC - Word Document

b. .XLS - Excel file

c. .WAV - Wave sound file

d. .JPG, .BMP, .GIF, and .TIF - graphics files

The 'C:\>' Prompt

Each drive is assigned a letter. The "C:" means that your hard drive, or C: drive, is currently selected. Usually the "C:" drive is the internal drive, or hard disk drive. The "A:" and "B:" drives are usually the external floppy drives. Some computers have only one floppy drive, "'A:."

To change drives simply type the letter of the drive you want to change to, add a colon at the end, and then press Enter. The part between the colon and the ">" tells you what directory that you are in. If it is just a backslash '\' then you are in the root, or main, directory. Anything after the backslash gives you the specific directory information. For example: "C:\DOS>" means that you are in the DOS directory on the 'C' drive. Click here for a tutorial on Folders and Directories.

Common DOS Commands

CD- change directory

CD \¿- change to the main directory.

CD \WINDOWS¿- change to the windows directory.

MD- make directory.

MD \LETTERS¿- make a directory named 'letters' at the root directory.

RD- remove directory.

RD \LETTERS¿- remove the 'letters' directory.

CLS- clear screen.

COPY- copy a file



\ :\¿

Note: The first

is the source directory and the 2nd is the destination directory.
stands for the destination drive.
The second is the new filename, which is optional if you want to change the name of the file.
If you do not wish to change the filename, then simply type the second the same as the first.

MOVE- move a file from one directory to another.

DELETE- deletes a specific file.

DIR- gives you a list of files and directories contained in the directory that you are in.

DIR /W'- gives you a wide, more condensed directory list.

TYPE - displays the content of the specified file..

DOS Symbols

*- wild card symbol
Example: "COPY *.* A:\¿" This will copy all files in the current directory to the 'A' drive.

USAGE- "DELETE LETTER.*¿' This will delete all files with the prefix name 'letter' and any suffix.

?-wildcard character symbol

Example: MOVE LETTER?.TXT Move all files that start with the word "LETTER" and end with the word "TXT" to the destination you have specified.


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